rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


do i hear wedding bells?

i'm very bored. i just got done working on my web pages and downloading a few more graphics. now i have nothing to do. well...i also did look at some other peoples diaries. :)

you'd think that i'd have more to talk about. i haven't talked to heather since thur. i wonder what shes up to...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....i guess i haven't really talk to any of my friends since i was absent all week. yup. i really don't wanna go back to skool, having the week off was very nice...even if i was in serious pain...the fact was i didn't have to go to skool. tom told me yesterday that i'm gonna have a lot of catching up to do...sounds like fun, doesn't it? i talked to kimi...she didn't have much to say...just wanted to know how i was. i talked to tina too...she didn't have much to say either. well i did talk to mat...i was on the phone with him for like an hour...hes moving to freeland. that sucks...

heathers moving away over the summer...either arizona(sp), texas or florida....or something like that. that really really really sucks. i finally get a really really really good(best)friend whos always there for me and i'm always there for her...and now shes moving away. lol, her boyfriend is going with them(they are sooooooooo in love) (its nice(and sooooooooo much fun to hang out with both of them...i never feel like the third wheel..anywho,)) she promised that when they have there wedding that i was gonna be in it...she was gonna send me a plane ticket or something. lol, funny thing, i'm looking forward to it already. :)...

11:05 a.m. - 2001-04-28


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