rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


fuck the answering machine

grrrr, geocities is being an asshole and won't let me work on my ME page. oh well. its kinda weird that i've named it the ME page when really its the About Me page. oh well. i like renaming things, i guess. the men are home. god help us all. thats what i woke up to. dad walking in my room and yelling hello! at that point i was thinking of the most easiest and painless way to kill myself. obviously my brain wasn't functioning right...since i'm still here. (don't you love my negative, dark humor. i do)

right now i'm looking at weekly new files of the computer center. thats where i get all my kickass pictures. Electronic Paint is my favorite. nothing good, damn. its hot here(hell) lmao. sorrie, i think i've lost it today. lol. there is positively nothing to do. surprise surprise. i think we are going to see jurassic park three tomorrow.

you know what i just realized? most of the people on my buddies list, i don't even know. hows that for fucked up? well its kinda like these people on my buddies list are like my friends friends friends. weird. i've been trying to get a hold of mat these past couple of days. no luck. i have no clue where he is and he prolly isn't even getting my messages. i guess i'll write him an email. diana called not to long ago...she has to go back home tomorrow night. :)

Subj: ring ring

Date: 7/17/2001 2:29:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Tinavp1

To: immanotgonnatellyouhisemailaddy

hey mat

i've been trying to call you. well i mean i have called but either i get the answering machine...and once your bro picked up and told me that you weren't home and he said that he would tell you that i called. i bet he didn't huh? well just wanted to let you know that i've been trying to call. please email me or call me. thanks bubye

imma such a weirdass.

2:22 p.m. - 2001-07-17


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