rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::coffee teacher meeting::

grrr, i hate speech. i have to look up shit on reverse discrimination. fun fun. then tomorrow i have to get with the rest of the group (kate, megan, taylor and matt) and we have to an activity called fishbowl. only group 1(us) and group 2 have to go tomorrow. fishbowl is when one group sits in the middle of the room, in a circle and discusses what they found for 25 minutes while the rest of the class takes notes on every move they make. no pressure there. none at all.

i also have a huge immigration project due thursday in history. it seems that when one teacher has a big project;all the teachers must have a huge project due the same day. i hate that. is that what they do in teacher meetings? set it up so that all the huge projects are due on the same day. then they have another meeting while drinking coffee and making fun of our stupidity? i'd love to sit in on a teacher meeting.

hmmmm, is it just me or is the latest buzz talking about masturbation? lol. sorrie, but it seems that in a lot of the diaries i read they seem to have talked about their masturbation habits alot lately. and they talked about it on the man show last night. NOTE: i do not stay up all night to watch that show. it was simply just on. and besides...lets be honest; as much as it bashes women and shows that all men just think of women as objects; its funnier than hell. true, that show sometimes offends me. but i sure as hell am not gonna be the bitch feminist. :) besides...its just tv.

but anyways...has that been happening alot? people talking about their masturbation habits? its definitely an interesting topic...i guess. lol.

well anyways on to bigger and better topics...i'll see y'all tomorrow :)

4:44 p.m. - 2001-12-03


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