rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::like a bull in the ass::

i bought the TLC cd yesterday. CrazySexyCool. i've loved that cd for a long time and never had my own copy. i was always borrowing my former bestfriend's(brandy) copy. i cracked up when i looked at the date it was out. 1994. it only took me eight years to get their cd...now i just gotta get the FanMail one :) i also laughed when i read Left Eye's thank you note. i'm sooooo sad that she died. she was my favorite out of the group. anyways, on the thank you she says: "All my thanks go to this one bitch If i were a fly, i'd land on her shit" i laughed so hard when i read that. lol. reminds me of what dianne said the other night on the phone...something her friend wrote to her, "if i had a gay smurf, i'd be all over that shit". lol. some fucked up people in this world.

i have so much going on this weekend. bleh. :) Dianne's going to the dentist or something nine in the morning on sat. then when she gets home shes gonna call me and i'm gonna spend the night. we're gonna rent movies and stuff. then on sun. i have to get home around 2:30 becuz i have to wait for my journalism's teacher's phone call to let me know she's at the high school. bcuz i have to go in work on the book we're getting published. we were hoping it would be done today...but that didn't happen. so i'm gonna spend most of my sunday at the school. man, i never would of thought i would of said that willingly. lol.

theres a pretty weird guestbook entry in my gbook. its from Rammey intheass. lol. i was gonna delete it...but i think its funnier than hell. its either a complete asshole or spam. i usually only get that bullshit in email or IM's. for those of you...who find this just as amusing...you can email him. since he put his email in there. feel free to tell him what you think of his entry. :)

4:10 p.m. - 2002-05-17


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