rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary



First off, I don't understand why some people, myself included, feel guilty or nervous when having to ask the parental units if one can stay home from school. Maybe because it's early in the morning and I'm worried I caught them pre-coffee and pre-cigarette inhaling. You don't ever want to do that. It's sudden death I swear. Secondly, why is it that some parents feel the need to make the child feel guilty for staying home. Like it's our fault we contracted a virus. Please. Give me a break. If I knew who it was that gave me the germ, I'd slap them upside the head. I'd slap them upside the head for giving me a germ because that's the way we live baby. lol. Really, it's the germs fault, not the person. So why is that I feel guilty for being sick. Secondly, or thirdly for those keeping track, why is that parents will punish you for being sick? It's not bad enough that you feel guilty? Some of my friends parents will put things off-limits if their son/daughter stays home. If they stay home sick they can't use the phone or computer. Why? The person already feels like shit, they're sick! It's not bad enough that they are miserable, they were a nervous wreck even asking to stay home, feel guilty for now staying home, missing school work which they will have to make up and now they can't do anything they possible would enjoy to ease their pain. Good job. Heaven forbid they pick up the phone to call a friend instead of sit around and listen to the parents unruly nagging.

Ugh. Parents these days.

10:17 p.m. - 12.09.03


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