rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::I hate drama::

People Suck! Well, some do...and very well I might add. But today Teena must rant because she found out that someone was saying shit about her and she feels the need to bitch. So here goes:

Once upon a time there was a Bitch that went to my school...

Last week the article that Beth and I wrote for the paper was published, the one about homosexuality. Bitch told my friend that I must be bi because there's no other way anyone would go out with me. Or something like that. She's only nice to me because she feels sorry for me. She called me ugly and weird. She said I must eat a lot because of my body size. All I have to say is, honey, real women have real curves. My friend told her that I don't eat a ton because he never sees me eat and she said that I must cram at home because I can't look like that just from eating normally. She's so fucking model skinning that to fuck her would be like screwing a corpse, ok? She said that my friend shouldn't waste his time with me. UGH! I knew before that she was a really mean person, but she was always nice to me, at least to my face, so I thought I could deal. She was so nice to me at homecoming and everything. I'm just shocked that someone could be so two faced I suppose.

I'd honestly thought people had gotten over this type of bull in middle school, but no, some people I guess decided immaturity and ignorance was the "in" thing. If this person really knew me, I think that she wouldn't say the things she did. But now I have no desire to even be nice to her, to even give her the time of day. I guess I'll just have to remember that she'll get what's coming to her. Karma's a bitch and so is she. Can't say I'm totally innocent, since my ranting was kind of mean but I just hope that someday all the things she's says about people comes back in bites her in the ass, hard.

3:46 p.m. - 2002-11-25


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