rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary



(stoopid fiction)

can anyone tell me why they made the lids of the puddin' cups so fucking hard to get off? lol. only had to go to school for half a day...so i decided that when i got home i would have a little something to eat...my mistake...i grabbed a puddin'(the last one). (i like saying that..."puddin'") anyways...i grabbed it at about 1:45..finally getting it open at about 2:00) i tugged at the little flap that says 'peel off here'...i tried damnit(not without stretching the proper muscles in my arms and hands first, of course). one layer of plastic came off...leaving another over the top. after the ordeal of tugging with all my might and using my teeth for christ sake, i still couldn't have a chocolate rocky road puddin'. so i tried a different approach; i began gouging out the plastic with the end of the spoon. scraping off the flashy texture of the plastic i could almost taste the savory taste of the rocky road puddin'. becoming slightly aggitated i grabbed a stake knife and began punching holes in the lid. finally i could see the flavorsome puddin' and nearly started foaming at the mouth. i set the puddin' cup on the edge of the computer desk and carefully got up, so not to step on the dogs and threw away the devil spawn puddin' lid. as i attemped to sit back down suddenly both the dogs jumped up and started barking forcing me to become a little jumpy...during this jumping escapade my hip bumped the desk and every morsel of rocky road puddin' hit the dark pink carpet. i then fiercely put most of the puddin' in paper towels and then used carpet cleaner to clean the carpet. finally done i walk into the kitchen to throw away the puddin' covered paper towel...when my father slams the cabinet door shut and yells at me for eating the last rocky road puddin'. steam was coming out of my ears. so i took care of the situation the only way i knew how.

me- "i didn't eat it yet. you still want it?"

him- "yeeeesss"

me- "eat up!" i then proceeded to mash the side on the paper towel with the most puddin' on it into his face. hey, he said he wanted it.

(ok, ok...i know its dumb...but i was really bored during 2nd, 4th, and 6th period today...sorrie)

love ya'll bunches,

2:11 p.m. - 2002-03-14


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