rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::fix the problem::

grrr. geocities is pissing me off. everytime i go to edit my pages and i hit save it says "cannot open main.hml" i didn't want you to open it. i wanted you to save it. damnit. so...a couple of days ago i wrote geocities i nice little email complaining about my problem. and all they replied was they would locate and fix the problem as soon as possible. well, their not doing it soon enough for me. i just have no patience when it comes to other peoples problems...and my problems that aren't my fault. the least they could of said is when it would hopefully been done by. that would of made me slightly more of a believer that they are gonna do anything about it.

ah...the sweet smell of spring break. yah, right. if i could do anything. but i guess i shouldn't complain...since isn't everyones spring break not going the way they planned? have to drive down to Detroit for easter. fun. not. i thought the family was coming here. so i was slightly relieved that i wouldn't end up having to move my ass very far. now i have to move my ass two hours away by car. damnit. hey, its not my fault i'm so damn lazy...it was my upbringing.

so, i was gonna start this clique thing...but i wanted to use geocities...and its being a bitch so now either i have to wait...or find some where else to host my clique. and i really don't want to be searching around for an easy access easy using host. yah. and plus i already have enough places to host this sort of thing..i just don't want to work. lol. maybe i'll try tripod. but they just seem annoying. ah, who knows.

snuck online last night. yah...got into a yahoo chat...which i haven't done in ages. i used to live in chats...now i just go in and read...i never chat. lol. and becuz i just like to read i hate it when people IM me. i'm like if i really wanted to chat i might in the chatroom...but since i'm not chatting there what makes you think i want to sit here and chat with you. such a bitch i know. and nothing i say ever makes sense. so ta ta for now. wish me luck with the bastards at geocities,

11:29 a.m. - 2002-03-27


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