rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary



right now i'm downloading a song from the poopmasta...how amusing. i use KaZaA. what the hell was this person thinking or going through at the time to make this s/n. major constipation? well i'm bored right now downloading a song for my brother again...system of the down "toxic city"...i haven't heard it yet. i'd thought i'd post this little survey i filled out...since i haven't recieved one in a while. (sorrie to those who hate these...skip this entry then) :)


your name- Christina

birthday- 11/21/85

height- 5'7

eye color- Blue

hair color- Black (not natural)

meaning of your name- ummm....don't care. lol.

high school gradutation year- 2004

what do you like to do? sleep, chat, stay at home in bed, read, write and internet.


been skinny dipping? nope

been in love? nope

been kissed? aaaaa...ahahaha...nah....

been on stage? yah...choir....

gotten in a car accident? yup

made homemade fudge? um...no. lol


all time song? hmmm, hard one. i'm gonna go with...Dream On-Aerosmith

thing to do on a weekend? stay in bed.

cd right now? Under Rug Swept-Alanis Morissette

quote? "Nobody's a virgin, life screws us all"

movie? Gattaca, The Cell, Blair Witch, Labyrinth, High Art, Stigmata....there are just so many.

holiday? First day of summer(i have to agree with that)

song at the moment? Precious Illusions by Alanis Morissette

subject in school? English, Journalism, General Writing...anything that has to do with writing pretty much.

summer memory? ummm...swimming with Dianne and Matt, that was pretty interesting.

color? black

smell? hmmm, breakfast. clean t-shirts...and if i had a man...prolly him. :)

band? Lifehouse

season? Summer


do you have a crush on someone? eh.

do you have best friends? Dianne!!!!! the best friend anyone could ever have! YOU RAWK!!! lol. MATTY-SCREAM IT LOUD AND PROUD!!! you make me laugh man! :D

whose your funniest friend? Dianne and Mat...Don and Mandice would have to be the funniest online friends i have...love ya! :)

who do you go to the mall with the most? mall? is that where they like, sell clothes and stuff?

who have you known the longest of your friends? Dianne

who knows all of your secrets? Dianne...knows me better than i know myself. lol :)


bought something? nope

worn a skirt? hell no

been sarcastic? duh

gone to the movies? Nope

been kissed? Nope

felt stupid? yah...that happens alot

written a letter? nope...an email

met someone new? nope

written in a journal? yah...for once...i decided to start a new one. :D

watched your fave movie? nope

talked to someone you have a crush on? nope

missed someone? of course

hugged someone? nope

had a nightmare? nope

fought with a friend? nope, they love me too much. :D

been scared? yup


ate a meal? half an hour ago..lunch

showered? this morning

what are you wearing right now? t-shirt and sweat pants :)...hey, its been a hell of a day so far

are you tired? yup

are you hungry? nope

are you talking to someone online? nope


worst feeling in the world? having to think of all the horrible things that have happened to you in your life or the all the horrible things in the world just to answer this fucking question.

best feeling in the world? bliss? how the hell should i know

where do you see yourself in 10 years? anywhere but here

first thing i thought in the morning? just five more minutes....

what do you drive? a bike...

do you sleep with a stuffed animal? nope

if you could meet one person in the world who would

it be? oh god....i can't think about this question on a full stomach...headache...

if you could have any occupation when you get older

what would it be? any occupation that could get me alot of money

whats on the walls in your room? posters, tack board full of pictures...paint

is the glass half empty or half full? half empty

pick a song that describes yourself or that you can

relate to? Uninvited-Alanis Morissette

which do you prefer, cooler ranch or cheese doritos?

cheese baby!

when you meet a person of the opposite sex, you

notice? eyes...hair...everything damnit.

one pillow or two? four bitch!

hobbies? writing

most humiliating moment? don't make me tell....

what are you listening to right now? You Sexy Thing

say one nice thing about the person that sent this

to you? shes the devil...(and only she would appreciate that comment) :)...love ya dianne.


2:13 p.m. - 2002-03-30


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