rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::decisions, decisions::

I think I'm going to get a new template.(Sorry Dianne). There's a Marilyn Manson one that really tickles my fancy, and I think I just have to have it. Hmmm. Not sure though. I'm so indecisive. I wonder if theres classes for that. "Hi, my name is Christina and I'm indecisive. I have a hard time making my mind up about anything. Whether it's about what to eat or if I should change my template. One time, I didn't get any sleep...I was too confused on which side of the bed to sleep on." Not really. Sorry. lol.

I've been listening to music all day. Sitting on my ass reading and listening. Fun fun. Mother left to go pick up my brother at some history camp thingy he's been going to all this week. He has to leave again at 7 to spend the night somewhere. Yeah, I know a whole bunch of information.

I've been working on a website on geocities. Decided to do that again, I dunno why. For some weird reason I guess I didn't have the right Java console to run page builder. So I pretty much got to waste an hour of time downloading the right kind. Pain in my ass. It was quite annoying, and I still don't get the point of it.

I re-installed a Sonic and Knuckles Collection game pak back onto my computer so the boys can play it. I haven't played that game in over three years. Tried to play it last night and got my ass kicked. Fun. Well, I better go and decide if I want to change my template one last time or not.

2:19 p.m. - 2002-08-09


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