rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::adjusting to me...again...and again...and again::

Song of the Moment: "How" by Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories.
Song Stuck in Head "Haunted" by Poe.

*Sigh* After having conversations with Meg & Mat I feel a lot better. We had some things cleared up that were rather blurry. I think there are some things that I need to deal with that have to do only with me and hopefully I'll change over time. I've done some pretty shady things in the past couple of days but I'm ready to move past that and try not to dwell on things like I have been. So, we'll see.

Gur. There's a layout that I really like that I want to put up, but since I'm not a gold/supergold member, I'm fucked. And I have to wait in line. Also, because of server issues my archives layout is still the old one. I'll change it all when I'm able to. I didn't like all the pink on the last one so I changed to this one, pretty much the same theme just more of my favourite colour, black. But I'm getting bored with this one. The only thing I really liked about these past two layouts was the set up. But there's this really freaky-ish layout that I like very much. A must have. So, yeah. Once dland stops having mood swings I'll be able to get it all set up.

10:21 p.m. - 2003-02-24


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