rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::I don't understand why I feel the need to always embarrASS myself::

It's been one hell of a long weekend. Thank goddess it's over. Now just to get through the weekend, which isn't off to a good start, btw. Hopefully the rest of it will be a relaxing/boring type of weekend.

There's something wrong with mother, but she won't talk to me. It was actually kind of scary. I'm worried. I don't think it's just about cigarettes anymore. I just hope she isn't holding back something...that's always the worst.

In other news, I've sort of been placing myself in heated situations lately that are not my intention at all. That's always fun. Done it more than once and with more than one person. Happy shmappy. *sarcastic smile*

Self-discovery is a bitch. Thought I'd let you all know in case you were wondering.

I haven't unpated the Sexual Tides diary in forever. Sorry about that. I've been busy updating my deadjournal. Shhh, no you cannot have the url.

I have a huge current lang. and lit. project I should be working on right now...but oh well. I'll work on it tomorrow. Gur...come on...someone get online so that I have somebody to talk to. I was going to re-arrange my room, but now I'm not chipper enough to put up with myself and my room.

Gur. I tried to get out of this house tonight...but everyone was busy. So that sucked. And now I'm cranky and don't want to leave. Your loss.

I was going to post some pics that I found today when working on my current lang. and lit. project. I really want to post the pics of me when I was younger and had really short hair. I loved that haircut. But I'm on the computer that doesn't have the scanner hooked up to it. So, looks like you guys and gals will have to wait until tomorrow.

9:35 p.m. - 2003-02-21


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