rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::The Avenue part 3::

Show of the Moment: Judging Amy
DVD started after Show: Hanson: Underneath Acoustic Live

So, on the 27th, was Matty-poo's bday and we went and saw The Incredibles (him, his mother and myself). It was a fantastic movie. After the movie we went to the mall and hung around, then I went to work at 5:30. Work was interesting. I made a pretty hefty sale, which was fun. I worked with Pat and Wendy. pat left about an hour after I got there and then it was just Wendy and me. Wendy is very well known as the bitch at work. I can see why. lol. It wasn't terrible and she wasn't mean or anything, but I can see why she would be considered the bitch and I'm sure I'll find out for myself sure enough. So yeah, that was work.

The next day Michael and myself drove to Cece's house to get her and then we went to pick Mat up, who stayed until a couple hours ago. We had fun. We went to the mall again, where I spent some birthday money. Mat got me a game for the Gamecuve called P.N.03, which is one of my favourite games. Thanks again Matty! I bought the new Hanson DVD and the new Ani Difranco DVD. I also got three books, Ecstasia, Primavera and Hawksong. I'm pretty sure that's all I bought...it's all I can remember. So yeah, fun stuff.

The not so fun stuff: I work tomorrow, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. No Matty this weekend. But next week, hopefully. :-D LOL. And now I'm off...to work on some things. Like, templates and stories...and whatnot. Before I have to face the hell that is tomorrow. I love you all. You guys should email me. lol. Seriously. I need people to talk to online. Email me here. Keep me company while I'm online. :-)

11:05 p.m. - 11.30.04


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