rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::but I do love you::

So, Mat was over again. And yes, I still love having him over. I'm actually really grateful that he was over this weekend, simply because sometimes he kicks my ass when it totally needs kicking. I was just going to sit around and sulk about how sad it was that the server crashed and all my stuff was lost and how I was going to be able to do anything. He was not having it. He told me that himself and Lisa would be pretty mad if I didn't host The Sacred somewhere because they enjoyed writing for it and he had already had ideas floating in his head for the prompt responses. I gave him some lame excuse that it would be too much work and I really didn't want to do it. Which was a total lie because I've been dying for things to do online. So yeah. He feels bad for making me put it back up...but he shouldn't at all because what he did was a great thing. Sometimes I just need a little push.

So yeah. Now The Sacred is at http://thesacred.diaryland.com, thanks to Mat, who better be patting himself on the back right now for a job well done. :-)

This Hedwig template is driving me mildly insane. Don't get me wrong, I love it and all. But...yeah. The images take friggin' for-ev-er to load. So right now I'm off to find a new design. And I must remind myself to write pinchpenny an email to get a refund so I can get a goldmembership and unlock my diary soon.

Oh! Btw, I'm also thinking about starting up sexualtides back on diaryland (thanks to Mat again. Because, what would the world do without my erotic stories to get them all hot and bothered and bring them many orgasms?

P.S. Random Off Topic Pluggage:
Because this entry got me thinking!

9:05 p.m. - 05.16.04


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