rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::motivation to clean my room::

Today was eventful. Michael fixed my bike, which I was super happy about, then Mat came over around 2:30-3. We rode bikes and roller bladed for a while and then decided to go swimming a bit. We went swimming until seven and then came back to the house for dinner and we played on the computer for a while. It was good fun. Of course there was a lot more that happened in between all that and such and I could detail it more, but I'm too tired and decided just to give you guys the play-by-play. He motivated me to clean my room that's for sure. lol. Since I knew he was coming over, the day before I straightened up my room pretty good and hung up posters and collages that I've been meaning to for a while. So it was good motivation and it made me mum happy. So there.

Lisa called before we went swimming to see if we were going to be wouing tomorrow night, or tonight now, considering it's Friday now. But yeah. And then she called while we were on the computer. She called from her cell phone saying that she found the BoonDock Saints at Target for ten dollars. I was wiggin'. lol. I was so happy. So she picked it up for me and brought it to my house when she was done shopping and I paid her the ten dollars. I'm so ecstatic. I'm going to watch it soon! Yay! I love that movie.

So yeah. Now I think I'm going to go watch my movie and head to bed. Nighty night all.

12:44 a.m. - 2003-06-20


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