rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::VIOLENT pink::

New layout. Enjoy this one because it took me forever to get up. It has all this javascript that you have to customize. Not fun, considering I've never used javascript. Umm, there is a chance that some people won't see the navigation/menu at the top. If you don't see it, leave me a guestbook entry and I'll try and tweak as much as possible. Speaking of which, it's finally up but there are some things that I need to tweak and get kinks out of so yeah. If something doesn't work, I'm working on it. I love this design which I got from the-fields. It was made in 1024x768 resolution, so if yours is smaller you can make the window bigger to see the picture if you want. If not, well fuck you too.

I've been feeling very bleh today. I'm losing my voice and I can't hear shit in my right ear from swimming yesterday. When I was running in the water I stepped down in a sand hole and my right knee buckled. It's a little sore today but I can't find my knee brace so I'll just have to be careful when walking and such.

I've been so spaced out today. I was so energetic and content yesterday and today I'm just...elch. Just been sitting around watching my movie and reading books. Then I laid down around 3:30 and just could not stop thinking. My mind was racing. I just wanted to take a nap damnit. So I went into the bathroom and grabbed the bottle of aspirin. On the way back to my room I grabbed an oreo and ate it and then took two aspirin. (Since you're supposed to have eaten something before taking aspirin.) Knocked myself out until 6 when I awoke to pounding on my door. "Dinner!" my mother yelled. I grabbed something, I just don't know what it was, and chucked it at her. Then eventually made it to the dinner table and ate a veggie burger, went back in my room and laid down. Not 15 minutes later was there more pounding, "It's your dish night!" my brother yelled. The bastard. So I did the dishes and I have to stay awake because I also have to do the laundry that I forgot to do earlier. Goddamn slave drivers. Sheesh. Can't catch a break.

p.s. The gbook form to the left is no working because I can't figure out what the hell is wrong with it. Every time I go to make an entry it tells me I don't have all the required fields filled out, even if I do. So yeah. If anyone wants to view the source and try and figure it out, go for it and then email me. Thanks. I <3 you all.

p.s.s. If you're going to send me an email about the guestbook, title the email 'guestbook' so I know that's what you're writing about, because if I don't recognize an email address that email gets deleted.

8:06 p.m. - 2003-06-20


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