rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::giving in::

I love the song "J�ga" by Bj�rk. Oh fuck it. I love everything by Bj�rk. I'm becoming obsessed. Oh well. Nothing wrong with a little obsession once and a while. I didn't go to school for a number of reasons today. First one being that I had a terrible stomach ache this morning that I couldn't get rid of. Secondly, I was emotionally drained and just couldn't convince myself that it was worth going today, so I didn't. The third reason is that I barely got any sleep last night. So I woke up and was like, fuck going to school. So yeah...

Can't wait for superbowl sunday. I'm a freak, I don't even like football. The family always has a superbowl shindig...it's pretty fun. I usually just watch the superbowl for the great commercials. Some of those commercials are 100% hilarious. I usually don't pay much attention to the game unless there are bets placed. So we'll see.

Didn't really play my Animal Crossing game today. :) I'm addicted though. I play it for hours at a time. Yeap...it's pretty interesting. Me, the girl who complained and yelled for hours at my brothers because I wanted to watch tv and they wouldn't get off the damn gamecube. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

I'm feeling better than I was earlier. Talked to Mat today. Sort of went on this whole ranting thing for a good 15 minutes to a half and hour about war. It's very rare to hear me rant about something like that. I usually don't because I hate clarifying myself and what I believe in and then have someone counter everything I said and tell me I'm wrong. So it's very rare that I get so passionate about something like that and actually share it. It was nice to get all that off my chest, I feel a lot better. I probably annoyed the shit out of him though. lol. My speech gets kind of aggressive when it comes to stuff like that sometimes. I become really intense and speak everything that I believe and think, which is unlike me at times. Especially about political things. I hate getting wrapped up in politics. Life is to short to have the world on your shoulders all the time. We talked about Sept 11th a little bit. It hit me hard when that happened. I didn't go to school for a couple of days...I pretty much had a mental break down in school. My journalism teacher rescued me. Gotta love her. :)

Well I better get going before I become all "hear me roar" again. lol. Peace, Love and Bullet Proof Marshmellows.

5:40 p.m. - 2003-01-24


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