rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::where the fuck have you been?::

up your ass

'round the corner

through your tubes

out your boobs

bet you didn't expect to see me there :)i love my nerdy brother *he told me that one*

what up everyone? i'm in an okay mood. amazingly enough every school around ours cancelled school but ours. everyone was pissed. if you've never seen a riot before come to a highschool when all the students want a snow day and didn't get one. i was pissed as well. me and my brother are supposed to leave for the bus stop at 6:50 in the morning. well me, him and my mother had been watching the news all morning waiting for them to tell us that school cancelled...*going to school in this weather is suicide i swear* ...so anyways...we realized that they weren't gonna spare us...so me and mike decided to wait a couple of minutes before leaving....cuz we figured traffic would be a bit slower becuz of the weather. we got to the bus stop at 6:55 and the bus didn't come 'til 7:25. i was so pissed. the other two kids(ashleigh and gabe) who get picked up at our bus stop showed up a few seconds after we did. by the time the bus got us all of our heads were white, all of our clothes...and bags. i was sooooooooo pissed.

this is what the weather was like: freezing....i think they said 20 degrees...wind...lots of it...and snow...coming down like cats and dogs.(the roads were covered in snow...about 4-6 inches, sleet and ice) i was in this little "jacket"...more like a sweatshirt with a zipper...totally freezing my ass off. it was horrible. then if things aren't bad enough...my destination is school. we arrived 5 mins. before first period started.

i walk in the door and there is a circle of people sitting on the floor protesting...they refused to go to any of their classes. that was interesting. all i hear is "why the fuck are we here?" staff, teens, and teachers are pissed off. the principle is not the one who decides whether or not we have a snow day...its the super intendant...who lives in the U.P. no where near midland...someone got ahold of his phone # and was giving it away so people could call and bitch. everyone kept saying "we shouldn't be here and blah blah blah" but i did agree with them. all i could say was 'well if they send us home early that will be a waste...cuz then there was no real reason in coming in the first place...but if they decide that the weather is too harsh to let us leave in i will be pissed...bcuz first of all they made me come to this god forsaken place...now they want me to stay longer...i don't fucking think so'

school was dismissed at one. i was more happy than pissed. go figure. -tonight it is supposed rain...freezing rain...snow...and all that other good shit...if tomorrow is as bad as today...or worse...and they don't cancel school...oh man, no force in heaven or on earth will get me in that building. point-blank period.

3:48 p.m. - 2002-01-31


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