rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::nervous breakdowns are interesting::

nothing went my way today. how lovely. if i would of known things would've turned out the way they did..i wouldn't have even bothered getting up this morning. so tired...and i have a headache...and tons-o-homework. fun fun. i have a lot more homework then i thought i did. thats no good.

can't think of anything interesting thats happened. ummm...i got a guestbook so that people could sign it... lol

its february 19th already? holy fuck. i hate time. it never seems to be right. either its going to fast or to slow. speaking of time...i wanna see that new movie time machine. it looks pretty interesting.

speaking of interesting...nervous breakdowns are interesting. i think my moms borderline. don't get me wrong we have a very tradtional family. my family does not like surprises...all of 'em are pretty close-minded except for me and my mom...but anywho(getting off topic)...its not like my moms a psycho or anything...if anything shes becoming me. lol.(that can't be good) she can't take it anymore. mostly its bcuz of her job...the people there are just reducing her to tears. she was in tears all day friday. their all backstabbers. they say that they'll stand behind her and all this shit...then once it comes right down to it...they fade into the woodwork. i can't really explain the whole ordeal...this page would be extremely long. but...lets just say that the people she works with are assholes. and she jsut can't take it anymore. theres this guy that works with her...his name is kirk(hes 19) ...and everytime shes always talked about him...shes never said a bad thing...she says hes really sweet and all this stuff. and she told me that he was my kind of person...like someone she could see me being best friends with...but anywho...he was punching out for his lunches...so he was getting paid for lunch...which he can't do...and she wrote him a note explaining that he can't do that and she docked the money he earned during lunch...and now hes treating her like shit. theres more to the story...hes done some pretty down and dirty shit...and if i was her i'd just fire him. she has more reasons then he fact that hes treating her like shit to fire him. and i think she should do it. either get rid(fix it) of the problem or quit the job. theres a lot of shit thats gone down this past week...bcuz her boss is on vacation. hes the boss, shes the manager...although...she mights as well be the boss..bcuz her boss don't do shit. its just...a big ass mess. and i hate it when she comes home stressed and pissed off when she doesn't have to.

mom mike and me had a long conversation last night. it was ....interesting (i wonder how many times i've said that in this entry). at first i thought she had forgotten some important information from our last talk...which in a way worried me...but then i asked her and shes like "no, i remember eveything". *groans*

i finally told her about that bachelor party; me, diana, and kimi went to...that went over well. no seriously...it really did...i was surprised. well i prolly should get going and get started on my homework. wish me luck :)

4:08 p.m. - 2002-02-19


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