rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::would you like an apple pie with that?::

Song of the Moment:"Zombie Nation" ~ KernKraft 400. (I'm such a hockey nut.)

So the devils won the cup. Fun fun. I'm so addicted to hockey that I'm sad it's over.

Here's a survey, since I have nothing else to right about. Please realize that I did fill this out in the middle of the night last night. :-)

[01] What's your first name? Bitch

[02] Middle name? Whore

[03] Last name? (it makes Michelle giggle too much to tell)

[04] Nicknames? Tina, Teeny, Chris, Chrissy, Big T.

[05] Age? 17

[06] Sex? Female

[07] Birthday? 11/21

[08] Your sign? Scorpio

[09] Where do you live? Hell

[10] Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Not yet.

[11] If so what's her/his name? -

[12] Have you ever been in love? Not really.

[13] Who are/were your crushes? Were: Karen, Thomas, Lee and more but my brain is not fully functioning. ARE: Sorry, not telling.

[14] Do u have any piercing? Ears.

[15] If so what do you have/want pierced? Lip, tongue.

[16] Do you have a tattoo or want one? Want

[17] If so what kind and where? Snakeskin moon on lower back.

[18] Where do you shop at the most?: Meijers, Walden Books.

[19] What color is your hair? Black, red, purple-ish brown.

[20] What color are your eyes? Grey, bluish-green.

[21] How tall are you? 5'7

[23] Do you smoke? Nope.

[24] Do your friends smoke? Some smoke cigarettes, some smoke weed, whatever.

[25] Who are your closest friends? Mat, Beth, Lisa, Meg, me Mum.

[26] Who are your friends? The ones above, Dianne, Michelle, Christin, Kristi and Jessica.

[27] Who are your best friends online? ezi.

[28] Do you like Bath & Body Works? Yes.

[29] Kind of shampoo and conditioner? Suave and Panteen ProV.

[30] Is your hair short or long? Short.

[31] Do you like to shop? Only if I have money to spend.

[32] What sports do you play? I don't play sports.

[33] What turns you on? Boots, glossy lips, men with piercings, cemetaries, alcohol, painted toenails, miniskirts, whipped cream, pushup bras, gothic women/men, guys wearing makeup...etc.

[34] What turns you off? People who smell, thugs, bad breath, anal sex, homophobic people, racist people, trailer trash, uni-brow, un-naturally tan skin, smelly feet, hairy feet and backs, penii, vomit...etc.

[35] What place do you go for fun? Internet, my room, where my friends are.

[36] What do you do for fun? Read, write, listen to music, chill with friends.

[37] How many phones do you have in your house? Two, one line.

[38] How many TV's do you have in your house? Four.

[39]What's your favorite foods? Salads, Fruit salad, veggie burgers, chinese food.

[40] Do you look like anyone famous? Nope

[41] Do you think Ricky Martin is muy guapo? Ummm, no...

[42] Who are the most attractive people you know? Me. j/k.

[43] Are you a virgin? *sigh* Still.

[44] Do you wish to be like your parents? Only me mum.

[45] What perfume should a hot girl wear? Not a big fan of perfume.

[46] What are you listening to right now? "Not Gonna Get Us" ~ t.A.T.u.

[48] How many hours do you spend on the phone? Depends on how long it takes the person on the other end to annoy me.

[49] Do you have your own phone line? Nope.

[50] Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? Nope.

[51] What are your favorite shoes? My boots and I love sneakers.

[52] What kind of clothes do you sleep in? Tank top, shorts.

[53] What's your favorite soda? Orange pop.

[54] What things do you say a lot? HeHe- tempting...but no- if I had a nickle for everytime...- sexy, kinda- shite- fuck-...and tons more.

56] Who is the coolest person in the world? Hmmm, this is a toughy...probably me...but I'm going to go with either Alanis Morissette or Ani Difranco.

[57] Do you think you're weird or funny? Weird.

[58] What would you pefer Thong or Bikini? Bikini.

[59] Who was the last person you called? Mat.

[60] Where do you wanna get married? Who knows.

[61] Who is the hottest girl/guy in your school? I don't know, nor do I care.

[62] What are your favorite girl names? Raven, Elizabeth, Annette...etc.

[63] What are your favorite guy names? Randy, Todd, Dorian...etc.

[64] What's your worst memory in the past 5 years? A lot of shit.

[65] What's your favorite childhood memory? I have so many it's hard to pin-point one.

[66] What is your favorite fast food restaurant? McDonalds, Taco Bell.

[67] Who do you really hate? : The thief, Bill.

[68] Do you have any brothers and sisters? Yes, brothers.

[69] If so, names? Michael and Paulie.

[70] Do you have a pool? Nope.

[71] Do you have a spa? Nope. But that would come in handy *wink wink*.

[72] Are you stupid? Eh. Not really. Stupid is as stupid does. Or something like that. Teehee.

[73] What are you addicted to? The internet, depressed message board, diaryland.

[74] Do you like jewelry? Yes.

[75] Who do you wish you were? Anyone but me.

[76] Who has it easier, boys or girls? Boys. Hands down.

[77] Would you rather be short or tall? Inbetween.

[78] Do you like to dance? Yes.

[79] Do you like playing pranks on people? Only on close friends.

[80] What's your least favorite subject in school? Math, global issues, gym.

[81] What's your favorite subject in school? English.

[82] What time is it? 12:25 a.m.

[83] What college do you wanna go to? I'll be going to Delta first.

[84] What school do you go to now? Highschool. Dow.

[85] Do you have a Playstation or Nintendo 64? Nintendo 64

[86] If so, what are your favorite Playstation or Nintendo 64 games? Zelda I suppose.

[87] Do you sleep a lot? Constantly during the summer.

[88] Whats your favorite radio stations? Wheelz 104.5 and 101 Classic Rock.

[89] Are you a night person? Yes

[90] Are you a morning person? I can be...if I've had a good night, if you know what I mean.

[91] Whats your favorite TV station? Comedy Central.

[92] Do you shave? Arm pits, legs.

[93] How often do you shower? Once daily, sometimes twice.

[95] What room do you spend the most time in? My room.

[96] How many rooms does your house have? I'm not counting.

[97] What do you wanna be when your out of school? A writer of some sort.

[98] Do you curse a lot? Every damn day.

[99] Are you ticklish? Depends on where you tickle me. ;-)

[100] PENIS!: Gross! Get it the fuck away from me!

[101] What are you wearing right now? ...Nothing...j/k. Shirt and shorts.

[102] Do you go to church? No. But I find churches very spiritual.

[103] Do you like the person who sent you this? I don't know them.

[104] Do you believe in God? The Goddess

[105] Do you like to watch PDA? Depends on what mood I'm in. Teehee.

[106] Do you show PDA? Nope.

[107] Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope.

[108] What color tooth brush do you use? Purple.

[109] How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once or twice.

[110] Who is your favorite cartoon character? Dexter...I think. And Daria.

[111] Do you have a job? Nope.

[113] What's your favorite fruit? Oranges.

[114] What's your favorite veggies? Lettuce.

[115] What's your favorite candy? Candy Corn.

[116] What was the best day of your life so far? I don't think I have a *best* but I have had pretty damn good ones.

[117] What are you gonna do today? It's nighttime...sleep eventually.

[118] Are you momma's little angel? Pretty much...well, to her knowledge anyways.

[119] Do you wear body spray? Eh, every once in a while.

[120] Who is the sweetest girl? Beth.

[121] Who is the sweetest guy? Mat.

[122] Are you wearing nail polish now? Nope.

[123] If so, what color? -

[124] How many rings or necklaces do you own..? One ring (school) and a billion necklaces and a dog collar...only used on special occasions.

[125] Do you wear a watch? Sometimes.

[126] Did/Do you have braces? Neither.

[127] Are you tired? A little.

[129] Do you have freckles? Nope.

[130] What are you thinking right now? Trust me, you don't want to know.

[131] Are you having fun? Eh. Could be better.

[132] What time is it? 1:03. (I've been a little pre-occupied. *ahem*)

[133] Who makes you laugh? My friends.

[134] Who's your favorite teacher? My journalism and current lang. and lit. teacher.

[137] What is your favorite dream? The one of Annette.

[138] What is your worst dream? I don't want to remember.

[139] Are you tired of filling this out yet? Eh.

[140] Who of your friends do you think will get bored with this? A lot of them. Either that or they'll stay up and fill it out as well.

[141] Who sent this lovely survey to you? No one. I found it online.

[142] What's your worst memory as a little kid? I don't want to think about it.

[143] Have you ever cheated on anyone? No.

[144] Do you believe in Santa Claus? No.

[145] Do you believe in ghosts? yes.

What's Better? Choose Both, one or neither.

[146] Rap or R&B? Rap

[147] Pop or Rock? Rock

[148] Rock or Metal? Metal

[149] Classical or Jazz? Classical

[150] Hanson or Manson? Both

[151] KoRn or 311? Korn

[152] No Doubt or Garbage? Garbage

[153] Jewel or Fiona Apple? Fiona

[154] Offspring or Nine Inch Nails? Both

[155] Sugar Ray or Tool? Both

[156] Backstreet Boys or 'N Sync? Neither

[157] Joey McIntyre or Jordan Knight? Neither

Your Opinions

[158] What do you think about Boy Bands? DIE!

[159] What do you think about Country? Tolerable.

[160] What do you think about Heavy Metal? Good shit.

[161] What do you think about Rap? It's good.

[162] What do you think about R & B? Elch.

[163] What do you think about Nine Inch Nails? Fucking awesome.

[164] Yes or No. Like Promise Ring? Undecided.

[165] Yes or No. Like The Beatles? Yes

[166] Yes or No. Like Silverchair? Yes

[167] Yes or No. Like Janis Joplin? Yes

[168] Yes or No. Like Limp Bizkit? Yes

[169] Yes or No. Like Deftones? No

[170] Yes or No. Like Radiohead? No

[171] Yes or No. Like Everclear? Yes

[172] Yes or No. Like Shaggy? Yes

[173] Yes or No. Like Pink Floyd? Yes

[174] Yes or No. Like The Misfits? Eh

[175] Yes or No. Like Less Than Jake? Yes

[176] Yes or No. Like Matthew Sweet? No

[177] Yes or No. Like Crazy Town? No

[178] Yes or No. Like Tom Petty? Yes

[179] Yes or No. Like Blink 182? No

[180] Yes or No. Like The Bloodhound Gang? No

[181] Yes or No. Like Our Lady Peace? No

[182] Yes or No. Like Foo Fighters? Yes

[183] Yes or No. Like Godhead? Yes

[184] Yes or No. Like Sublime? Yes

[185] Yes or No. Like Grateful Dead? No

[186] Yes or No. Like Nada Surf? No

[187] Yes or No. Like Marcy Playground? Yes

[188] Yes or No. Like 2 Pac? Some

[189] Yes or No. Like The Doors? Yes

[190] Yes or No. Like Oasis? Yes!

[191] Yes or No. Like The Cure? No

[192] Yes or No. Like Weezer? Did

[193] Yes or No. Like RATM? Yes

[194] Yes or No. Like Candlebox? No

[195] Yes or No. Like Marilyn Manson? YES

[196] Yes or No. Like Cold? Yes

[197] Yes or No. Like Alien AntFarm? No

[198] Yes or No. Like Tool? Yes

[200] Yes or No. Like Nine Inch Nails? Yes

[201] Yes or No. Like Modest Mouse? Dunno

[202] Yes or No. Like Static X? Dunno

[203] Yes or No. Like Pearl Jam? Yes

[203 MORE] Yes or No


[203a] Yes or No.. DO you like the Beach boys? No

[203b] Yes or no.. Do you like Def Leppard? Yes

[203c] Yes or no.. Do you like Whitesnake? Yes

[203d] Yes or no.. Do you like Queen? YES

[203e] Yes or no.. Do you like Elton John? Yes


[204] How many Cd's do you have? Way too many to count.

[205] What Cd's are in your CD player? t.A.T.u.

[206] How many tapes do you have? A few.

[207] Do you own videos of your favorite group? DVD's.

[208] Do you record your favorite group when they're on tv? Used to.

[209] Are you obsessed with your favorite group/singer/band? Maybe...

[210] What's the oldest group/singer you are still listening to? Hmmm, Frank Sinatra maybe...

[211] Are most of your friends music freaks? Yes

[212] What do you think of the girls and the whole teeny bopper thing? DIE!

[213] Have you ever paid for a pay-per-view? Yes.

[215] Do you ever buy merchandise of your favorite group? Yes.

[216] What TV station is better MTV or VH1? MTV.

[217] What is the worst show on Mtv? Cribs.

[218] What is the best show on MTV? Daria/The Read World.

[219] If you could marry any music person who would it be? Taylor Hanson...still. lol.

[220] What is the worst CD you own? *NSync.


[222] Friend(s) that looks most like you? None.

[223] Friend(s) you go to for advice? Mat, Lisa, Dianne.

[224] Friend(s) you have the most fun with? All.

[225] Friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun with? Dianne.

[226] Friend(s) you've dreamt about? Most of them.

[227] Friend(s) you tell your dreams to? I don't like telling my dreams to anyone, usually.

[228] Friend(s) you tell your secrets to? Mat.

This or That?

[229] Boxers or briefs? Either or.

[230] Long or short hair? Either or.

[231] Dark or blonde? Dark.

[232] Tall or short? Average.

[234] Mrs. Sensitive or Mrs. Funny? Both, damnit!

[235] Good guy or bad guys? Good guy.

[236] Dark or light eyes? Either or.

[237] Hat or no hat? Either.

[238] Ears pierced or no? Depends.

[239] Tan or fair? Fair or pale.

[240] Freckles or none? None.

[241] Stubble or neatly shaved? Depends, but usually shaved.

[242] Rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type? Neither.

[243] All american, homey G, or grunge? Neither.

[245] Accent or American? American.

[246] Mt. Dew or SURGE? SURGE.

[247] McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds for fries, Burger King for burgers...and Wendy's for shakes.

[248] Coke or Pepsi? Coke.

[249] Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend? The perfect friend.

[250] Sweet or sour? Sweet.

[251] Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla.

[252] Tea or coffee? Both.

[253] Sappy/action/comedy/horror? All.

[254] Cats or dogs? Both.

[256] Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Nacho Cheese all the way!

[257] Mud or Jello wrestling? Mud.

[258] With or without ice-cubes? Depends.

[260] Milk/Dark/White/Chocolate? White.

[261] Shine or rain? Rain.

[262] Top or Bottom? Bottom.

[263] Favorite season? Autumn.

[264] Strawberry or Cherry? Cherry.

[265] Skiing or boarding? Neither.

[266] Biking or blading? Both.

[267] Cake or cookies? Cookies.

[268] Cereal or toast? Both.

[269] Car or truck? Both.

[270] Night or day? Night.

[271] Gloves or mittens? Gloves.

[272] Pager or Cell phone? Cell phone.

[273] Bunk bed or waterbed? Water bed.

[274] Chewing gum or hard candy? Hard candy.

[275] Motor boat or canoe? Neither.

[276] Lights on or off? Off

1:00 p.m. - 2003-06-10


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