rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::Don't diss the good movies, damnit!::

Listening to: "The Dope Show" by Marilyn Manson.
Mood: An I-wish-I-was-drunk-mood-cause-this-shit-would-be-funny-if-I-was.

Finally hooked up the stereo to the tv so now we get surround sound. So happy. It sounds so much better. I've been wanting to hook up the stereo to the tv for a while now, ever since I went to Dianne's house. They have theirs hooked by like that and it sounds so fucking awesome. Like being in the theater. I had the right cords...I just needed to hook them up. Mother wouldn't let me before. She's like "No, we don't need to do that." So today, when she wasn't home, I did it. And she was so blown away. lol. She was like, "Oh my goodness! It's just like being in the theater." Naw, really? I only told ya that weeks ago. Sheesh.

Once I was done hooking it all up I watched the Jurassic Park movies. Hearing that t rex roar, now that it's ten times better listening to, *shudders*...bliss I'm telling you. lol. Meg and Beth both don't like those movies. Now, I know you're thinking the same thing I was thinking..."ARE YOU SHITTIN' ME!?" I am so in love with all those movies. They're the best movies ever. I don't understand people who don't enjoy those movies, just like I don't understand people who don't like the movie Twister. You've got to be fucking insane not to like those movies. I remember when I first saw the first Jurassic Park movie in theater. I cried. lol. I know that sounds so pathetic...but when they saw the Brachiosaurus and they were wiggin' out in amazement...so was I. I can't even imagine what that would feel like, such an intense moment like that. Ok, so I'm a freak. Leave me alone. I like those movies that change the way you see things also. I can never look at birds the same way. Everytime I see the turkeys running across the lawn I think of the pack of Gallimimus's flocking in their direction. I have a lot more dinosaurs in my dreams now. Usually nightmares...but that's okay. I remember, when we were younger, my brother and I would go to work with mother down in Warren. She used to clean this one warehouse and Michael and I would be hiding in certain rooms and in between the rows of copper...afraid that a bunch of Velociraptors would come after us. lol. I think that movie is the reason for a while, when Michael was little...if he had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, when he was done he would make a mad dash across the hallway and fly into the bed. I LOVE THOSE MOVIES!!!

5:57 p.m. - 2003-02-08


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