rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::Looks into camera with huge ass grin, \"Hi Mom!\"::

Song of the Moment: "Under Pressure" ~ David Bowie and Queen.

So, today was manageable. Highs and lows. None of the highs were very high, mostly just tolerating. But that's better than usual. Mutti and I cleaned out my car- as in vacuumed and washed windows. It was very exciting. (Note the sarcasm.)

Mutti and I were sitting at the table, she was eating lunch. And she says to me, "I like how you call me Mutti in your diary." And I repsonded, "Oh yeah. It came from a book, you know, the snogging ones, she calls her father vati and her mother mutti and it just stuck-- OH SHIT!" Just as I was explaining why I call her mutti it suddenly occurred to me what I had said about mutti in my last entry. Something about her pissing me off to the point that I wanted to smack her upside the head. Plus the fact that I had no idea that she began reading my diary again. "Mom! You can't read my diary!" I said. "Why not? Tons of people on the internet that you don't even know read it," she responded. She had a point. Plus she told me that it didn't matter what I wrote in my diary, it's mine and she respects that. She said that I could write whatever I wanted in it. She figures that if I want to talk to her about something, I'll come to her. *wipes sweat off forehead*

"So what's this about wanting to smack me upside the head?"
*heavy sigh* "Oh jesus."

11:51 p.m. - 07.15.04


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