rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::pictures of whatever because, whatever::

I had something to say, but as usual once I got here I forgot. Figures. I received my monitor and web cam in the mail today. UPS. I was going to take a picture of myself and post it here, but I don't want to scare away devoted readers. I really should keep myself out of public view as often as possible. U-G-L-Y, I don't have no alibi, I'm ugly, yeah yeah I'm ugly. I might take a picture of Haley though. She's cute.

She's such a good dog. My mom's dog. Gawd knows theirs been enough pictures of her dog and my dog on this diary. I would take some of my dog, Poncho...but she seems to be cam-er-a shy.

Eye see you...

Okay. So, yeah...I'm really bored...could you tell? I'm not hooking up the computer monitor today because I'm too tired and lazy to do it today. Oh yah (wanted to post this a while back)...the last time Chris was over we were talking about tattoos...here's the tattoo I want to get if I ever get psycho and drunk enough:

Okay, enough pictures. Don't want friends (no names mentioned...MAT) slow ass computers to go into overload. lol. Chris thinks I should get the tattoo in color, like a dark green. I dunno though.

I'm going to go before I drive myself crazy. If the pictures show up shitty, it's not my fault, nor the web cams...blame it on your computer. lol.

4:21 p.m. - 2003-01-08


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