rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::My Soapbox::

I found this article on Jenny's diary and wanted to scream after reading it. When you are done reading it, feel free to stop by her diary and leave a comment about the article because she's interested in everyone's opinion.

I wasn't quite sure how to respond to this article without getting all pissy and then just rambling on and on and then eventually stop making sense. So I'm going to react to this article in order to how it was written. The article is in bold red and my opinion is in black.

McGreevey is not 'gay' by Harvey, Linda

World Net Daily Report

The bombshell that Gov. James McGreevey dropped recently was not about being gay. It may have been about being a sleazy, cheating husband, a terrible father, a dishonest public servant, a failed leader and an atrocious role model, but it wasn't about being gay � because he's not.

Is he sleazy, a terrible father, a dishonest public servant, a failed leader, and an atrocious role model because he's gay or because he cheated on his wife? Because being gay doesn't make anyone a terrible father, a failed leader and an atrocious leader. And did it occur to anyone that maybe the reason he was dishonest was so he wouldn't have to deal with articles like this one? And how can anyone but the person themselves determine if they are gay or not? Wouldn't he know better than anyone else if he was gay?

No one is gay. McGreevey may be participating in "gay" behavior, with all the risks attendant to anal and oral sex with other males � let's tell the truth here � but he isn't constitutionally a human different from the other males working in those New Jersey government offices or any place else in New Jersey.

"No one is gay." What!? And if he is not any different from any other males working in those New Jersey government offices or any place else in New Jersey then why was this article even written?

He's already shown he's capable of having sex with women. He may have developed a liking for homosexual sex, but that's just a matter of taste, not biology, since there's no evidence for a homosexual gene. The major homosexual-rights groups don't even provide any such evidence, because it doesn't exist.

"He's already shown he's capable of having sex with women." So what? I'm capable of a lot of things too. Maybe his impulse to have a relationship with a man is stronger than with a woman. This is where my love/hate relationship with labels starts to show up. This article is trying to make the grey area black and white. Frankly, I believe people can do whatever they want in their own bedrooms and it's no one else's business but theirs.

What he's done is what many, many others have done: acted on a desire for unorthodox sexual activity and decided he's going to keep on doing it, regardless of the impact on others, or on himself.

Isn't the idea to do what makes you happy? I don't believe he was out to intentionally hurt anyone. For whatever reason that felt right for him he decided to come out. Apparently lying about it wasn't working anymore and he decided to be honest.

There is ample evidence all around us that people who might not otherwise do so can develop a preference for homosexual sex. And it works the other way: people who have homosexual desires can decide that heterosexual sex is preferable, although many "experts" tell us this is "impossible." The facts are that McGreevey could just as easily one day call a press conference to announce he's become "straight" again.

Being homosexual is not a choice or a preference. I didn't myself choose to be bisexual. And I know that better than anyone else. I know myself better than anyone else and I can say I'm bisexual and know that's truly how I feel. I didn't wake up one morning and decide to be this way. Yes, I believe that heterosexuals and homosexuals can experiment with all sorts of different things, things that people might not consider knowing they sexual orientation. But hey, whatever floats your boat. Sexuality isn't just black and white.

Like McGreevey, new practitioners of homosexual sex are cropping up every day. Right in our own backyards, husbands who should know better are leaving their wives for boyfriends. Likewise, wives are chucking their husbands for other women. Children are left to sort through the wreckage of selfishness and dysfunction.

"...husbands who should know better are leaving their wives for boyfriends. Likewise, wives are chucking their husbands for other women. Children are left to sort through the wreckage of selfishness and dysfunction." So are children who have heterosexual parents who are getting a divorce and are still heterosexual. Being homosexual does not make it more selfish or dysfunctional.

But much of the rise in homosexuality is among kids. Bisexuality, a straddling condition between two preferences, is a popular trend among our youth. Some are 17. Some, these days, are 10. It's easy to see why impressionable kids are falling for this. It's how they process the incessant suggestions that "You might be 'gay.'"

How is homosexual desire created? Start with a very self-focused person, maybe a young person who's growing up and trying to discover him or herself. It helps if this person is a bit of a loner. Add some troubled masculine or feminine identity issues and poor relationships with parents. Pour on a little self-pity and envy: "Why can't I be more like him or her?" Stir briskly while adding continuous school lessons, TV shows, church "dialogues" and news stories about homosexuality. Capture one's stirring emotions in an appropriate moral framework. (Hint: Choose one that won't challenge these emerging desires. New-Age spirituality or atheism are ideal, but traditional faiths won't work. If necessary, modify them radically to suit your needs.)

Sprinkle in lots of feminist gobbledygook from NOW, Oprah and the DaVinci Code (this is important even if you are male). Whip all this into a frenzy with some alcohol and/or drug use while spicing up the whole concoction with the final, essential ingredient: liberal amounts of ever-available pornography.

It's an easy, foolproof recipe. Really � anyone can try it, including our children and grandchildren.

"Bisexuality, a straddling condition between two preferences, is a popular trend among our youth." A popular trend!? Bisexuality is not a trend. Yes, it happens where a teenager says they are bisexual when they really aren't, but that happens with anything. Like when a girl tells all her friends she's had sex when she's really a virgin. Lying occurs to impress others. But to tell me that I'm following a popular trend and am not really bisexual is absurd to me. I know who I am. I am very offended by the homosexual foolproof recipe. I believe that a person is born homosexual and during puberty when everything seems to be a mess is when a person's sexual orientation is most apparent. I think that during puberty is when a person realizes they are homosexual or bisexual or straight or whatever. There have been people who know long before puberty and maybe they are just more in tune with their feelings and who they are. But just because a teenager is interested in a new-age religion, or happens to not be the most popular person in school, or believes in feminist ideals does not make them homosexual. Lovely stereotyping this article has. I know plenty of teenagers who are loners with poor relationships with their parents, who believe in a non-traditional religion, who've had their share of drugs and alcohol and who think self-discovery is a bitch and they are heterosexual. I've also known teenagers who have never had any sort of drugs in their systems, who had wonderful relationships with their parents and themselves are Christians and they are homosexual. This article pretty much listed off all the things that most teenagers will probably go through during adolescence and then said that if you go through this you must be homosexual, which is not correct.

Actually they are hearing, like all the rest of us, two totally contradictory things simultaneously. One: "Gay" is an unchanging, probably genetic condition, a minority group deserving of many, many rights. And, two: "Gay" is one orientation, but so is "bisexual" or "straight" and sometimes a person just doesn't really know. Don't label yourself if you don't want to. Madonna can kiss Britney and no one should find this confusing.

So, which is it � fixed or fluid? The homosexual lobby wants it both ways, and it would be comical if the human consequences weren't so tragic.

The fact of the matter is that no one is really sure exactly if homosexuality is a unchanging genetic condition or if it is an orientation and it can change depending. I believe that social interactions can have an affect on your sexuality whether your homosexual or heterosexual.

A brochure distributed by the National Education Association at its recent convention takes this approach. Titled "Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth," it labels as "discrimination" any attempt by schools to inform a student with same-sex desires about the option of heterosexuality. This is considered an attempt to force "religion" on these students, as if only the very religious think homosexuality is wrong.

This brochure describes sexual orientation as an "enduring" condition. Then in virtually the next sentence, sexual orientation is described as something that "falls along a continuum" that "develops across a person's lifetime." Students will probably experiment sexually and that's normal.

Oh, except for one thing. Schools must not encourage kids to move from homosexuality back to heterosexuality. The not-so-veiled threat is that, we will sue your behinds off if you do.

It's a kind of Homo-monopoly. Land on "Gay" and you go directly to jail. You are stuck there, too, if you depend on the homosexual lobby, because that's where � like in McGreevey's case � they want and need you to be. Only if you are blessed enough to have someone with some sense, perhaps a Christian, come along and hand you a "Get Out Of Jail" card with information about the real options � can you escape from all this "freedom."

I believe that schools are doing the best they can. Depending on where you live some schools might be doing better than others. Schools have to figure out how to deal with homophobia and how to handle discrimination in any aspect really and I think it is up to the people of the community to figure out how their children should be treated. No one should be forced or told that they should "convert" to something they are not. I don't care if your homosexual or heterosexual. You should be allowed to be who you are and not be forced to be someone you aren't.

The Human Rights Campaign hailed McGreevey for his "courage." If homosexual marriage is legalized, will every homosexual who cheats on his or her same-sex "spouse" be hailed as similarly "courageous"? Or will HRC call them the slimebags they are? Or are people only courageous if they reject heterosexuality?

All marriages might not be equal, after all.

No, HRC, McGreevy did not exhibit courage. Real courage would be to go back to his wife.

Courage is one of those things where you have to figure out what it means to you. I do think that he was courageous. I don't know if I would have the courage to stand out in front of everyone only to have articles like this one sitting on my table for me to read while drinking my coffee. It takes courage to admit things that we may have been lying about. Ask any ten-year-old child that. You have to be willing to be brave enough and strong enough. It takes courage to realize what makes you happy and to go for it regardless of what everyone else thinks of you.

10:19 p.m. - 08.19.04


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