rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::pass the tissue box(and not for that reason Mat, you sick freak)::

It's late and I should be in bed. Instead I'm here, with you wonderful people, with Fiona Apple singing in my ear. Ah, lovely night I'm having, huh? I finished the book Good Moon Rising by Nancy Garden. I cried, for about an hour. lol, I'm pathetic. I remember when Brandy would lend me one of her books she would stick a kleenex inbetween the pages she thought I would cry at, and when she bought me a book for my birthday, it was in a bag with a kleenex box. My beloved tissue box books. I cry when reading a lot of books. Can't help it. I get so involved in what's happening, it makes me emotional. Yeah...

Kind of in a mellow mood right now. I'm tired since I didn't get my nappy today. Bleh. Father is taking me to the video store tomorrow. Yippie. I know I must get Final Destination...not sure what else I will pick up. I should get Austin Powers 3...since I won't be going to Mat's house tomorrow to watch it. We'll see. I might just wait until the next time I see him to watch it. Yeap. Very non-interesting day. Have today and tomorrow off. Sweet four day weekend. Yay. Sleep. Food. I keep forgetting to eat. I ate a lot during dinner though...finally. Mother was impressed and happy about it. It was amusing. It's really the little things that count, like eating once and a while, and then complimenting on the dinner she made. I wonder if I could score extra money this way, hmmmm?

12:30 a.m. - 2003-01-16


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