rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::Television is sometimes bad for your health::

Listening to at the Moment: The West Wing marathon on Bravo.

It disgusts me how much I get involved in shows I really like or books to the point that I know the characters better than myself and find myself getting emotional when something happens. The episodes where the president and Josh get shot are on right now and I'm getting all emotional watching the flashbacks of Josh when he first started working for the president. It's sickening.

I picked up the 33rd book in the Fearless series only to find out that there are only four books left in the series and now I'm all anxious to see how it ends. I've fallen in love with that series and with all the characters. I'm really picky about series. It has to be a good series if I'm going to stick with it. The only series I've read the whole way through so far was the Sweep series. Mat owns it. (Useless shit to get stuck in your brain.) Fearless I got into and then just started to indulge in. And when I found out that the Fearless series was ending I went on a hunt to find a new series. I started reading Samurai Girl because it was featured in the back of some of the Fearless books in an advertisment. I picked up the first book but just couldn't get into it. So then I found The Daughters of the Moon series and I'm really liking it. Right now I'm almost half way through book nine and I think it's another series I'm going to stick with.

I'm also really picky about television shows I will allow myself to get hooked on. I used to be a huge Real World junkie but after the New Orleans season (which in my opinion was the best season) I haven't watched it since. I'm huge into Nip/Tuck, Law and Order, Law and Order SVU, Judging Amy, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, West Wing, Rescue Me and some cartoons such as Family Guy and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I'm not one of those people who gets into TV shows easily. Especially reality TV (which I now pretty much loathe). Mat has very recently gotten me into Sailor Moon, and how that happened I have no idea. All I know is my family thinks it's hilarious and won't stop harassing me about it. lol. He's also managed to get me hooked on some games, and for those of you who know me, you know I'm not a gaming person at all.

I like playing funny games here and there online, and I enjoy more reality type games such as The Sims, Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon. I also loved PN03 for the gamecube and fully intend on buying it. But lately Mat has gotten me slightly hooked on Final Fantasy games and a Sailor Moon game which I downloaded for the computer about a week ago and have been playing pretty religiously. It's amusing to say the least. It gives me something to do in my spare time when I'm not reading a million books.

Well I should probably get going and finish popping my popcorn and watch the rest of the West Wing marathon. Plus my download for a game is at 74%. Woohoo! Only seven minutes to go! Toodles.

10:54 p.m. - 08.02.04


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