rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::invading your web space::

Currently Wondering: Where the hell that big spider went. *looks around room repeatedly*
Song of the Moment: "By Her" ~ Beth Hart.

Gur. I'm getting frustrated. The template I wanted to use, is still fucking up. After everything I did. I'm ready to give up. Damnit.

I'm slightly paranoid right now. I don't think people understand my extreme irrational fear of spiders. I'm totally pissed about their pressence in my room. I decided not to kill these two spiders that were in the bathroom the other day because they were eating the fruit flies that were infesting around the house. Well I was on the phone with Mat, listening to Michelle Tea I glance over the cd pile and there is the black furry decent size spider running around on my calender. So I try to kill it. It looks exactly like the one that was in the bathroom under the sink. As I miss it, it runs behind the movie holder thingy where I see another spider with long legs and a tiny body that looked like the one that was hanging from the vent in the bathroom. So this is how they repay me after I spared their lives. Yeah, real nice guys. So I killed the one hanging from the vent behind the movie box but lost sight of the big black one. *sigh* I really wish it would just run across the carpet so I could kill it. Poeple don't realize how bad spiders freak me out. I will probably have a hard time sleeping tonight, thinking it's crawling on me. I hope it starves and dies. I fucking hate spiders. I usually try and act all macho when it comes to spiders...but when it comes right down to it, I'm one of the girls who grabs a shoe, chucks it in the general direction of the spider, screams and jumps. Yeap, that's manly for you. Hear my roar!!! *mew*

Besides, spiders typically only live for about a year. Although 5 to 6 months may be spent in the egg. So I only have roughly, 6 months left to worry about this spider. Joy.

12:26 a.m. - 2003-08-17


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