rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::whatever I can come up with::

My last hour of driving went fairly well. Talked to Meg about going to a hockey game tomorrow. Not sure if we're going or not thought...considering I don't know when it is. lol. But, ya know. I hope I can go shopping either before or after though with mother. I'll probably spend an hour in Walden Books trying to figure out exactly what I want. I know for sure that I'm going to buy George Carlin's book titled Napalm and Silly Putty. No doubt about it. Maybe buy a couple of movies. Gonna save some money for stuff that might come up. And I want to save some so I can go to the movies with someone and see "They". Looks like a pretty decent scary movie. :) If I can't go shopping tomorrow I'm sure mom will take me sunday. All day today I kept thinking it was Saturday. Then I remember that it was friday. lol.

I've been watching this stand up comedy tape my mother has had from forever of Dana Carvey. It's so old, but so fucking hilarious. I have some really good ideas for short stories and poems...I really should start writing before I forget. lol. But, you know.

It's been a pretty decent day. I've been smiley all day anyways ;)

It's so cold in my room. Brr. The heat doesn't work all that well in this room, I swear. My windows leak also. If you sit or stand by them, you can feel a slight cold draft. Fun. Oh well. And then my parents wonder why I get sick.

11:17 p.m. - 2002-11-29


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