rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary



Read the Disclaimer.

Credits (Doesn't apply right now):
This layout was made by my very own template-making God. His new design site is here. This layout was made using PS6 and Notepad. The image was found here and the brushes are from here and here.

The Sacred (Closed)
Novel Ideas (Closed)
Crash & Burn Reviews (Closed)
Sexual Tides (Closed , but might re-open soon!)
Jukebox: Ani Difranco Fanlisting (Closed)

About Me:
Christina. Eighteen. Depressed. Wallflower. Bisexual. Feminist. Liberal. Bitch.

Mini Bio:
My name is Christina and I am nineteen years of age. My birthdate is November 21st 1985. I'm a depressed liberal democrat bisexual feminist. I live with my parents, two brothers, two dogs, two rabbits, a bird and a fish named Viggo. I've lived in Michigan all my life. I love to write and read poetry. I'm an avid reader and I read just about anything. Some of my favourite books are The Bell Jar, Prozac Nation, Speak, The Feminine Mystique, Manifesta, Trickster's Choice, Eragon, Faking It and Cunt. I love movies and music. I love The Lord of the Rings movies (I'm obsessed). Ani Difranco is one of my favourite musicians. I'm fascinated by art and photography and take photos myself. My favourite artists include Brian Froud, Amy Brown and Jerry Uelsmann. I love old fairytales and modern faerytales. I'm very opinionated and love having intellectual conversations. I don't watch a lot of TV because I think TV today is smut, but I do have a few shows I do watch such as, ER, Judging Amy, Queer As Folk, West Wing, Nip/Tuck and The L Word. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I hope I figure it out one day.

Rock'd Reviews 83/100 Grade A
Alone Reviews 4/6
Royal Reviews 79/100
Ms. Lovejoy C+
Curiosity-r 63/100
Shame Reviews 82/100
Crash & Burn my review site, damnit.
Diary Reviews 91/100
Pathos Enmity 31/50
Figure 8 Reviews Pending
Malibu Review 75/100

boys, girls, friends, family, ideas, pears, The Real World, pens, college ruled paper, chocolate pop tarts, oranges, movies, music, books, magazines, bracelets, pillows, cds, web cams, wildlife, nature, colors, fans, colored light bulbs, stuffed animals, marsh mellows, candles, pants, touch, paper clips, pocket knifes, grass, water, cranberry juice, sandals, boots, internet, glass, lava lamps, holidays, feather comforters, popcorn, sleep, parties, dances, dancing, online diaries, swimming, carpet, wooden floors, paints, air conditioning, poetry, inside jokes, laughter, singing, animals, hair dye, weather, tv, cucumbers, guitars, dreams, memories, thread, irony, art, faeries.

people, close minded people, homophobia, racism, sexism, abuse, drugs, alcohol, religion, school, life, suicide, authority, stress, pressure, jobs, immaturity, pencils, socks, slippers, pain, misunderstandings, dresses, formal dances/dinners, bugs, anime tv shows, obsession, drama, radio, teenyboppers, pop music, mustard, paper cuts, god, my face, my body, nightmares, smell of rubber bands, justifiability, awkwardness.

8:29 p.m. - 05.30.04


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