rayofmemory's Diaryland Diary


::Beatrice the Bitch strikes again::

Currently listening to: Monday night football on my parents TV.

Beatrice the Bitch has struck again. We can't get to anything in our folders. It sucks. When we open a folder all that's in there is a little square with an itty-bitty dot in the center. It says at the bottom of the window that there are files in the folder, but you can't see them nor click on them. Our computer is a piece.

Today was without a doubt the most annoying day. And it just so happened to be a Monday as well...so that made it suck even more. This morning I woke up late and pretty much walked out my bedroom door in my jimjams saying hello to Paulie's friend. Fun fun. After watching ER, I decided to get on the computer. And oh joy, AOL is not working. After about an hour Mutti finds the AOL disc and we re-install it. It works. Yay! Internet access. What would I do without it? Then I realize that I still need to put the software for my digital camera on the computer so I can upload the pics and take the camera with me tomorrow on the picnic with all my friends. Find out I can't upload the pics because I'm missing a USB driver. Well, about a hour and a half later Mutti finds the driver and downloads it. Finally happy that I can use my digital camera I plug it in only to find out that I'm missing a piece of the puzzle. I have the driver, the program and the camera...but not the .inf file so the program recognizes the camera that is plugged into the USB port.

While all this is going on I'm also trying to juggle phone conversations with friends to set up a lunch picnic thing tomorrow before Kazi leaves for college.

At this point I say, "Fuck the computer" and decide to stay the hell away from it until I feel like dealing with it again.

Around five thirty, Mutti, Paulie and myself decide to do some shopping. I wanted a few things for my car and wanted to check out some things at a craft store while Paulie wanted to pick up some new trading cards. Fine. First we stop at Meijers where I buy a very nice smelling air freshener for my car. Nice smelling things make me happy...just ask my very own template-making God. I also spotting some cool faery things that I would like for the car when I get more money. Paulie also buys his trading cards while we are there. Well then we decide to zip over to Wallmart to buy a steering wheel cover because I didn't really like the ones at Meijers. So we get over to Wallmart, lock the doors on the car, start to walk away when I realize I don't have the keys in my hand. Guess where they are? No really, guess. That's right. IN THE DAMN CAR!

So...we get into Wallmart and find the pay phone and call Vati who brings his spare set of keys and saves us. Oh joy! A few days earlier he had actually snapped one of the spare keys and was going to get a new one made tomorrow...thank Goddess it wasn't the key that opens the doors or else we would have really been screwed.

So then we go to the craft store and get some prices checked on a couple things since I want to start some glass projects. Such as making a glass box and glass etching. Fun fun. Then Mutti and I decide that the car doesn't totally say ME yet so we zip back over to Meijers and get the faery stuff that I wanted. So, there's the good part. You can now totally tell that the car belongs to me. I even finally renamed it. It's mine I tell ya! Mine!

Get home...Mutti makes herself and me some great dinner. Yums. Decide to get back on the computer. Bad idea. Now the folders don't work. Stupid piece of shit. Plus this asshole-ish guy, Keith, who I haven't talked to in over a year IMs me. I was so hoping he forgot who I was and then deleted me from his buddy list. But nooooo. That would just make today a little bit more enjoyable. Instead he insists on annoying me and asking me questions about who I am and why we haven't talked in so long. UGH! And as I'm trying to get the computer to work I'm still calling all my friends to finish setting up the plans on Vati's cell phone. I got a hold of all of them but one. Which was fine. It's all worked out and tomorrow should be fun. But as for today.

I'm really ready to shoot the computer and then aim the gun at my head.


p.s. Remember a couple entries back how I was telling everyone that the internet graphics for some odd reason looked like shit. Yeah? Guess what? Now that the computer is freaking out and nothing is working. The internet graphics...they look fan-fucking-tastic. Stupid bitch of a computer.

10:23 p.m. - 08.23.04


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